Friday, November 21, 2014

The Great Pot Debate

This is a subject that I have tried to stay out of for the most part. But with all the media attention lately, I feel compelled to share my personal views on the matter. 
The legalization of marijuana seems to be a very touchy subject for many. And most people fall very clearly to one side of the debate or the other, and don't seem open to changing their minds on the matter anytime soon. And while I think it is absolutely insane that pot is still illegal, that's not what this post is going to focus on. Instead I want to try and move past the stigmas associated with people who use marijuana. 
I know many people who either smoke or imbibe weed in some form or another, and contrary to stereotypes, these folks are nothing like Cheech and Chong. These are normal everyday people. They have jobs, raise families, drive nice cars, live in clean homes, are educated and intelligent individuals. Do I also know some stereotypical stoners? Yes. But they are by far the minority. Most people that use marijuana are no different than anyone else. Many of them are good Christians even. (Shock and awe!!) 
Pot is first and foremost a plant. It grows naturally and has many wonderful uses, aside from the bud itself. Hemp is an amazing material and can be used for everything from clothing and textiles, to fuel, biodegradable plastics, health foods and so much more. But the benefits of marijuana go so far beyond those things. Scientists and doctors have long understood the amazing things that pot is capable of. The healing abilities for wide ranges of medical issues is something we have barely even begun to tap into. 
Some of the most common uses are for things like nausea, vomiting, anorexia, movement disorders, epilepsy, glaucoma, pain reduction, asthma, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders, and many many more. 
But because of legal issues, and the stigma involved, many people are hesitant or altogether against trying it. This is a shame to me. Pot is as organic a medicine as you could ever find, yet people would still rather fill their bodies with harsh chemicals and legal poisons than risk the side eye and judgment that comes with being a marijuana user. 
This needs to stop. People who use marijuana, whether for medical reasons or recreationally, are not drug addicts and dangerous criminals. 
Why are we so quick to judge someone who comes home from work and hits a joint in order to de-stress and relax? How are they any different from someone who comes home to a glass or two of wine? Why is it perfectly acceptable to pop a heavy duty pain killer for a head or backache, but frowned upon to turn to a plant? People who go out on the weekends and get drunk are just having a good time, but hit a bong once or twice and you're suddenly a bad person. I truly don't understand it. It has been proven time and again that alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana, yet because it is legal, people think it is better. We have created a society that shames people who smoke weed, but very nearly encourages alcohol abuse. Call me crazy, but I will take a "stoner" over a drunk any day of the week. 
Marijuana relaxes your muscles, calms and quiets your mind, and can help you sleep just as well, if not better than alcohol. But you don't lose control of yourself (or your bodily functions) and there's no ugly hangover. 
To quote Peter Griffin "WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS!?" 
It's time we stop categorizing marijuana the same way we do cocaine, meth, and heroine. And we have to stop thinking that everyone who uses pot is somehow a criminal or a bad person. I bet if people were truly honest about it, you would be shocked by how many people you probably know who regularly smoke it. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, ministers, artists, musicians, scientists, etc. Your neighbors, fellow church members, and friends. It is not the evil monster that society has tried to make it. And the sooner we change that attitude, the better off we will be. Everyday, studies are being done that find more and more benefits of marijuana. Hidden inside that plant could be cures for deadly diseases, and countless ways to increase quality of life for so many. Don't we want that for ourselves? I sure do...
I encourage everyone to educate themselves on the realities of marijuana. Know what it is, how it effects the mind and body, and don't just blindly follow along with the ignorance. Pot isn't the boogeyman in your closet, or the elephant in the room. It's time we start talking openly and honestly about it, and treat it for what it is. An amazingly versatile and useful plant. Period.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Hello readers,
You may be noticing that several images are missing from my posts. Not sure exactly the cause of this, but I am working as fast as I can to get it fixed. Thank you for your patience. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Untitled Short Story: Part 3

Chapter 3: The Awakening 

It's dark out, and there is a thick fog that covers everything in a blanket of white haze, making it difficult to discern where I am. I stop and try to get my bearings, but I have no clue how I got here or where here even is. It appears to be some kind of a garden, but I can't seem to identify any of the plant life. Must be some weird tropical flora. Whatever they are, they smell amazing, and I'm wondering if Yankee Candle sells this fragrance. If not, they really should. 
I can feel gravel under my feet, so I assume I am on a path of some sort. I continue forward, squinting to make out any shapes or markers that might help me gauge where I am. There is movement to my left.  "Hello?" I say, swinging around. "Is there someone here?" I can't see anything moving now, so I assume the fog is playing tricks with my mind. Suddenly a light appears ahead, not too bright, but surprisingly clear through the haze. I follow it without question. 
I trail the light through what appears to be a maze. A few times I could have sworn the path ended, and once I nearly face planted into a stone wall, but at the last moment, the light made a sharp right turn down a narrow aisle that I never would have seen. 
After what felt like hours of weaving and winding through corridors, the light passed through a small opening in the wall and disappeared. I stopped, realizing that I had been blindly following a floating light, and now I was utterly lost. The path dead ended at the wall, and the tiny crevice the light went through wasn't even big enough for my arm to fit in. I turned, looking for another way around, and found myself in a stone circle. No path in or out. "What the...?" I blurted out. "Hey! Where did you go? Hello, Mr. Floaty Light? Wanna help a sister out, please?" I had no idea who I was talking to, but panic was setting in, and if I didn't figure out how to get out of here very soon, I was going to freak out. Ok, Brooklynne... think. You got in here somehow, you MUST be able to get out. Maybe there's a hidden door. My inner monologue calmed me a bit, and I started pressing on the walls around me, hoping for some kind of opening to appear. My eyes kept going back to the small hole that the light had disappeared through. It was barely noticeable, and if I hadn't seen the light pass into it, I would have missed it altogether. I pressed my face to the wall, and looked into the hole. I couldn't see a thing. Wherever it lead to, it was very dark. But this was my only hope. Maybe the stones around the hole had been loosened, and I could somehow create a larger opening that I could squeeze through. Putting my hand against the stones around the tiny cavity, I used all the strength I had and pushed. Nothing happened. "Well shit." I panted. "Note to self, join a gym, and start lifting weights." 
Opting to try a different method, I stuck may hand into the hole to pull from the outside. But as soon as my hand crossed through the break, a vivid light filled the crack, nearly blinding me. "Holy crackers!" I shrieked, yanking my hand back. And as soon as my hand was out of the hole, the light disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. "Ok, not cool Mr. Floaty Light. Enough messing around! Come back here and show me how to get out of this cave, dammit!" 
The light didn't come back. I'm not really sure I was expecting it to, but I figured it was worth a shot. 
Making my way back to the hole, I tried to look inside again. Nothing but pure darkness. Very slowly, I placed my hand inside the hole, and as it crossed through, the light was back. This time I didn't pull back, but instead attempted to use the light to see past my hand into the space beyond. Before I could even press my face to the opening, my hand and arm started to tingle and the light became so bright, I had to cover my eyes for fear of going blind. The tingling sensation spread quickly down my arm, and through my body as the light grew even brighter still. Then just as quickly as it began, the tingling stopped, and the light faded. And I found myself standing in a forest clearing, with my back to a stone wall, staring out at a view that would rival a Bob Ross painting. "Wow." I breathed. It was all I could manage. 
"Wait. What the bloody hell...? How did I get here?"
"It's a magic opening, and you needed to figure it out for yourself. Sorry about that." came a voice from my left.
I spun around so quickly, I nearly made myself dizzy, and I found myself looking at the most gorgeous female I had ever laid eyes on. 
Skin the color of caramel, and hair that looked like it had been made from the finest silk, in a shade that rivaled the most beautiful fuchsia flower I had ever seen. But it was her eyes that stopped me in my tracks. They were magnificent. Big, with the perfect cat like shape, with lashes for days. And the color... I'd never seen anything like it before. It seemed to swirl and change, like a kaleidoscope as I stared open mouthed. "Your eyes...." I whispered. 
"Do they bother you? I can make them a solid color if you prefer." her voice was like music. A soft, lilting accent played on her words, but I couldn't identify its origin. 
"No, they don't bother me. They just took me by surprise is all. Actually, YOU took me by surprise. Where the heck am I? And who are you?"
"I am Alastrina. And this.." she said, gesturing to the space around her "is the Isle of the Diaga." 
"I've never heard of it. Is it in the Upper Peninsula or something? I'm not too familiar with towns there." 
Alastrina giggled "Not exactly, Brooklynne. The Isle of the Diaga is not in any specific place. It's everywhere and nowhere."
"Huh?" Was all that came out. "And how did you know my name?"
"I know a great deal about you, actually. But more about that later. First, you need to understand a few things." She took my arm, and began walking towards a lake in the distance. 
"We don't have much time, Brooklynne, so I need you to pay very close attention. Your world is in grave danger, and you are one of the few who can help save it. You have powers inside of you, and I am going to help you unlock them."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?!" I pulled my arm from her grasp, and took a step back. "What are you talking about? And how did I get here? You said something about a magic opening, and now you're talking about unlocking powers. Are you on crack?"
Alastrina sighed. "I know it is a lot to take in, but you need to trust me. I'm here to help you."
"Help me what exactly?" I asked.
"Save mankind." She replied, very matter of factly. "Now, we are almost out of time for tonight, you wasted too much getting through the opening. So listen carefully. You'll need to find your way back here each night, so that I can teach you what you'll need to know. Do you remember how you got here?"
"Umm... maybe. I'm not sure." 
"Start at the gazebo." Alastrina said. "Once you cross through, follow the light through the Garden of Wonder, and remember not to waste time at the stone wall. The opening is magic. Just put your arm through and your powers will do the rest. I will meet you here, and your lessons will begin. Speak of this to no one. Do you understand?"
"NO!" I shouted. "I don't understand a God damn thing that's happening! I don't know who you are, or what the hell you're talking about." 
"Give it time, Brooklynne. I promise it will all make sense. Now you must return." She placed her palm into mine, and there was a blinding flash of light. 
"Brooke! Hello!! Are you with me?" Darla was shaking me. 
"D? What are you doing here?" I said, rubbing my eyes.
"I would ask you the same thing. I went to pick you up from The Crappy Cup, and Jacks said you left early. I was headed back to the apartment, when I passed you standing in this empty lot, staring off into space. Are you high?" 
"I hope so." I mumbled under my breath, looking around and trying to get my bearings back. "Wait, what happened to you this morning? You were supposed to be back with my car, and I had to walk to work in the rain, and wearing THIS monstrosity!" I opened my jacket, and pointed to my pathetic excuse for an outfit.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I met a really hot guy at the laundry mat, and I lost track of time. His name is Dale, and he's an assistant at a law firm. He has these amazing green eyes, and he...." At the mention of amazing eyes, Darla's voice faded into the background, as I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. Did I doze off? WAS I high? I don't remember smoking anything. "Speak of this to no one." Alastrina's words echoed in my mind, as D took my arm and led me to the car and continued to ramble on about the laundry mat hottie. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dear Santa...

Yes, I am a full grown woman. No, that does not mean I am not allowed to write a Christmas wish list to Mr. Fat and Happy of the great white north. 
There is a lot of really cool shit out there, and currently none of it is in my budget. But that shouldn't stop a gal from dreaming, should it? And if I'm really good (ok, LESS naughty than usual) maybe at the bare minimum I'll find some Skittles and a 6 pack of Shiner in my stocking... 
But without further adieu, here is a list of 10 super kick ass things that would totally complete my life. Or at the very least make me pretty damn happy...

1. These fabulous, Barbie dream car looking, pimp as a mo-fo Sparco wheels, that would look swag-tastic on my Subaru wagon. 

2. The softest, most incredible throw I've ever touched in my life. Seriously... I want to make sweet, sweet love to this thing, and give birth to litters of its luxurious babies. Red, please. 

3. This amazing, gigantic, ridiculous bean bag chair that will wrap me in its loving embrace while I lose myself in fantasy fiction and white cheddar popcorn. 

4. This pair of magical, wondrous, how have I lived without them, gnome heels, that I would wear with literally everything. (Size 7 should be perfect)

5. Vintage, hard cover, complete with original images, copies of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. 

6. These sexy, sensual, make me feel like Catwoman at her second job as a high class exotic dancer, over the knee, Christian Louboutin black boots. 

7. This showerhead that makes you feel like you are washing your ass in the middle of a rave. Where's my glowstick and Ecstasy to make this the ultimate bathroom experience?

8. This Bob Ross clothespin doll that makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. 

9. This strawberry dress that I would never, ever take off, because it makes me feel so BERRY pretty in it. 

10. This perfect addition to my gnome collection that I would totally name Nighthawk, and take out into the garage to do karate with me. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

10 Things That Make Me Feel Violent

You know those moments, when suddenly something happens, and you feel your inner Hulk start rising to the surface? Those offenses that don't just annoy or irritate you, but make you question if your spork could be used as a deadly weapon. Yeah, we all have them. 
Here is a list of 10 things that make me feel murderish...

1. When grown ass people say birfday, libary, pacific (instead of specific) Valentime's Day, and I seen.

2. When people pull out directly in front of me, forcing me to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting them, and then go insanely slow. And there was NO ONE behind me. 

3. The sounds of people chewing, or just general mouth noises. 

4. The word 'Moist'. (cringe)

5. When I see people throw garbage out of their cars while driving. 

6. When I see/hear kids behaving terribly in public, affecting people around them, and the parents act totally oblivious. 

7. When people post/repost things to social media without doing proper research first. 

8. The song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. 

9. When I'm watching my favorite show, and it gets interrupted by Breaking News about something that isn't breaking or newsworthy, and I end up missing crucial plot twists. 

10. When you are actually trying to do something important on your phone/tablet/computer, and it picks that time to work like total balls.