Tis here.... the first of April. A day known as April Fools Day. A day people celebrate by pranking each other. A day filled with countless fake pregnancy announcements, lies about quitting jobs, moving to strange places, and posts about how you tortured your loved ones in new and colorful ways.
I. Don't. Get. It.
I never have. Growing up as the baby of 6, with 4 older brothers, I was on the receiving end of more of these "fun" activities than I care to remember. Plastic wrapped toilet seats, shaving cream sleep surprises, you were adopted stories and SO many more. Lucky for me though, my siblings didn't limit their pranks to only one day a year. But April first was like the Christmas of pranking for them. This meant that they would spend longer than 30 seconds thinking up ways to torment me, which led to even worse things than finding your favorite dolls hanging from your bedroom ceiling by nooses.
I'll be honest, they were quite creative in their endeavors. My complete lack of shame as an adult being proof. I mean, there's only so many times one can be utterly mortified before you become numb to it. (So, thanks for that!)
I remember the excitement and joy they derived from these pranks. I figured I must be missing out on something, so I attempted a few of my own. Once, I used my superb makeup skills to give my one brother fake injuries, including a pretty believable black eye, and told my mom my other brother hit him. My mom didn't laugh, and neither did I, when she proceeded to ground me for a month.
So I gave up trying to prank, and just accepted my fate as the test monkey for all of my siblings' ridiculous shenanigans.
Fast forward to adulthood, and now I have a hubs who finds endless humor in tomfoolery.
He finds few things more amusing than sneaking up on me when I'm in vulnerable positions (cough...naked... cough) and scaring the bejeebus out of me. My only saving grace is that he never has any clue what day (month, year, etc.) it is, so April Fools Day has rarely been cause for additional trickery. There was that one time, with a rubber lizard, but that was such a sad attempt....
So what is it about this nonsense that is so appealing? Why is it fun to embarrass and deceive people? I'm clearly missing the genetic code that makes these things so entertaining. Why is it considered hilarious to lie about something like a pregnancy on April 1st, but absolutely unthinkable on April 2nd? Is it part of the Earth's gravitational pull on that one day a year? Like that day you can make an egg stand on end. And why do people continue to fall for such things? It's April 1st, you believe nothing you see or hear on this day. Everyone knows that. But year after year, we repeat this cycle.
Call me a stick in the mud, but I find the whole thing just plain stupid.
So while the rest of you wrap rubber bands around your sink sprayers, put mayo in your cream filled donuts, and try to convince people you really are moving to Mumbai, I'll just be over here rolling my eyes, and waiting for this dumb holiday to be over.
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