Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Be Your Own Decorator

People often ask me to help them decorate their homes, and give them ideas. I tend to find that most folks have the same problems when it comes to designing and decorating. They either can't make decisions or they are trying too hard to follow some rules they read in a magazine or saw on a design show. So here is my advice.
I have only 1 rule and it is the MOST IMPORTANT one. There are no rules. Yes, you read that right. NO RULES! When decorating your home or space, anything goes. If you want to paint a mural of yourself naked and riding a unicorn, do it. The design shows are great for inspiration tips, but Nate and Martha don't have to live in your home, you do. So if a design doesn't work for you, don't do it. When choosing paint colors, I always select shades that create a mood. Do I want to be energized? Soothed? Do I want it to make me smile when I walk in? Look in your closet. Do you wear a lot of blue or green? Maybe it's because you like the way you feel in that color. Apply the same philosophy to your home. If lime green makes you dizzy, then maybe it's not the color for you. I never follow the trends. Not in my clothing choices, and not in my home. I am me. I want my decor to reflect that.
Not sure where to begin? Here's a tip. Do you have a piece lying around in your home that you love? Maybe it's a funky lamp, or a throw pillow in a fabulous shade of red. Did you see it in a store and have to have it? That's your inspiration. You were drawn to that item for a reason, so let it inspire you. What colors will compliment that piece? Sometimes, you'd be surprised. Remember the color wheel? We used it in grade school to help us understand colors. Yes, beige and white would match, but maybe purple or yellow would make it just POP! Go pick up paint swatches in several colors, even ones that you might be a little unsure of. Never be afraid of color, it can't hurt you.
What I'm saying here is that no two people are the same, so no two homes should be either. You may love or hate someone's style choice, but it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how you feel about it. Do you smile every time you walk into that room? Then you have achieved decorating success. If you still aren't sure and need/want a few pointers. Call me, I'll help you out. :)

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