Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Beauty of Rain...

Rain... It really gets a bad rap. 
Ruins parades, brings sporting events to an abrupt halt, floods landscapes, and generally makes for a yucky day.
But does it? Personally, I rather like rain. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to start building an ark, but from time to time, rain is nice.
Is there really anything more peaceful than snuggling under the covers on a rainy night? Or a day spent with a good book, and the sound of rain on your roof? There was nothing better as a child than playing in the rain, splashing in puddles, and making mud pies. And to be honest, I still enjoy playing in puddles. But now I like to do it in my car.
Rain can be annoying, sure. Just ask any bride who's dealt with rain on her wedding day. (Even though it is considered good luck.) And who hasn't cursed the rain gods when an unexpected downpour leaves you looking like a drowned rat?
But without rain, we wouldn't have flowers, grass, and plants. Life as a whole would cease to exist. Rain fills our lakes and rivers that we love to spend hot summer days playing in. Rain feeds the gardens that we eat from. Rain washes away the dust and dirt from our homes and gives all the wild critters a bath. It allows us the opportunity to use our brightly colored umbrellas and galoshes. It gives us down time to stop, relax, and take a break from the fast paced lives we tend to lead. Rainy days stuck indoors created some of my favorite memories as a kid, and with my own family as an adult.
Rain is cleansing. To the earth, and to the soul.
You don't have to wait for the rainbow to appreciate the beauty of rain...

     "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."

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