Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Social Media Persona

If you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. you know how hard people will try to put on a false façade. We have all seen the "happy couples" who post deep, meaningful things to each other's timelines, because apparently the other room was too far to walk to TELL THEM THAT. Or the Super Christians who think that the daily bible quote posts somehow make up for the 499 sins they committed throughout the remainder of the day. Or the "I'm so interesting!" people who insist on checking in everywhere. We get it, you work out. *slow clap* Now stop spamming my newsfeed with your GPS updates.
Whatever happened to just being yourself? When did it get so offensive to say what you think, or post an unedited picture? If your social media "friends" are truly your friends, do you really think they don't know how you are?
I mean, I get it. You don't want your grandma to know that you got shitfaced and danced on a table on Tuesday night. So maybe friending grandma wasn't the best idea. But remember, grandma was young once too. And what if she's just grateful camera phones and snapchat didn't exist in her day, and she got one helluva chuckle out of that post your friend tagged you in? What if being yourself created an open dialogue with the people in your life? Maybe if your sister knew you were really human, and made mistakes, she would stop trying to compete with you. Maybe if your father saw how happy you really were in the photos of you and your boyfriend, he would stop judging. Maybe if you stopped being fake on social media, you could make a real connection with someone.
Social media isn't real life. But it is a PART of real life. It's a place where many people find comfort, humor, friendship, and more.
But if you spend all of your time worrying about what you post, who might see it, how someone could react, and what people will think of you... why even bother? It is a fact that some people cannot handle social media. If you have those people in your life, and they have taken the fun out of it for you, remove them. It's that simple. If they get mad, just calmly explain to them that it isn't real life, but that it wasn't in the best interest of your relationship to remain on each other's social media. If they are still angry... well they obviously have deeper issues, and you're better off anyway.
My favorite people on social media are the ones who are real. Who share funny moments from their lives, poke fun at themselves, share things that matter to them, and enjoy connecting with others. If you have a Facebook account, and you spend hours on there trolling people's pages, but never post or comment... get off. You're a creeper. It's called SOCIAL media for a reason. If you aren't being social, you're doing it wrong. And don't think we don't know. We see that green dot next to your name, stalkers.
If there are people you don't want knowing your business, don't add them. Otherwise, who cares? Be yourself. Say what you want to say, don't apologize, and fucking enjoy it. That's the whole damn point.

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