Friday, January 6, 2012

Meet Hank

For those of you who may not follow me on facebook, there's someone I'd like you to meet. His name is Hank and he is a big part of our family.
Hank is the Travelocity Roaming Gnome (in case you didn't recognize him) and he's a bit famous. But, unlike most celebrities, Hank is very grounded. For the most part, he likes to hang out at home with us, but he has been known to get his party on from time to time...

He's a fun loving, witty guy and he has a huge fan following, but he rarely lets it go to his head. He loves to travel and road trips are his absolute favorite hobby. (see above photo) Just this past summer, Hank took a trip to Grand Haven for the Coast Guard Fest and spent some time at the beach.
He loves to sit and watch the sun set over the water, and never complains about the sand in his beard. He has a great sense of adventure and has been looking for the right gal to share his life with for some time now.
Sadly, not all the ladies he's met have been the "angels" they claim to be. Lesson learned there. But he trudges on. Never feeling sorry for himself and always staying positive. He is such a charmer though, and we knew it wouldn't take long for him to find the right woman. His patience finally paid off this week, when he met this lovely gal.

I'd like you to meet Willow. She is just what Hank needs. Her sassy personality are a perfect fit for him. The two of them are inseperable and I have a feeling there might be a gnome wedding in our future. (and hopefully, a few adorable little gnomies) But for now, it's just nice to see him happy. (and have another woman in the house) I'm sure there are plenty of new adventures in Hank & Willow's future this year and we can't wait to share them with you. So, keep checking in to see what these crazy kids are up to. Happy 2012, everyone! XOXO

In case anyone is unsure, I am not insane, and I know that Hank isn't a real person. I just have a healthy imagination and love gnomes. When my hubby & I bought Hank, we knew we had to have some fun with him and we definitely have. And when I found Willow, I just knew she would be the perfect addition to our silly little game. :)