I love it when people say to me, "You are so creative!" I love this for many reasons. First, the obvious... it's a nice compliment. But also because they usually say it with a shake of the head that means they just don't understand how you do it. This I like, because it's a reminder that not everyone is creative. Sometimes in the craziness of life, things like creativity can be taken for granted or completely ignored.
Now for me, I don't have many talents or skills. I am smart, but far from a genius. I have enough athletic grace to not fall on my face, and to be able to catch a ball, but you certainly won't see me in the Olympics anytime soon. I don't play an instrument, I'm terrible at math, I am far from a super model, and my culinary skills merely keep my husband and I fed. So... I am proud of my creativity. It makes me... well... me. But it also makes me different. Now I personally have never considered this a bad thing. But growing up different is not always easy. And even being a different adult is not always a cake walk, either. People don't always understand or accept different. But I am different, and I am perfectly ok with that. But for those of you who cannot understand this, let me enlighten you a bit...
Here are a few things to remember when dealing with a creative minded individual:
1. We sometimes look different. Not all creative people fall into this category, but certainly some do. We prefer to create our own style. From our hair, make-up and clothes, to our cars, houses and even pets. We tend to not fit the mold.
2. We think differently. Creative people see the world through a different light. Where some may see trash, we see potential. To others, it's just a white wall, but to us, it is a blank canvas just begging for our attention. You may write a sentence, but we prefer to write an emotion. We don't just "think outside the box", we have no idea why you would ever even have a box.
3. We live differently. Although it may seem like going to work, paying your bills, mowing your grass, and everyday activities are "normal", to the creative person they are just background. We know they must be done, but sometimes they fall to the wayside or get in the way of our inspirations. Most creative people don't care how big or fancy their surroundings, just that those surroundings make us happy. We prefer homes and cars with character over ones that would impress others. We rarely care what others think.
4. We act differently. We don't always react the way other people do. Sometimes we see situations from another angle, or we try to see the positive side, even when that isn't always the easiest. More often than not, we are outgoing and affectionate, even with strangers. To some, this is odd. To us, it is perfectly normal. Creative people tend to think and act with their heart more than their mind. (This is not always a good thing, by the way.)
These are just a few things to remember when dealing with a creative person. And because everyone is different, not all of these will apply to each of us. But it is safe to say that if you are of a creative mind, you will certainly be able to relate to at least a few.
So for those kids (and adults) who like to color outside the lines, or wear stripes with polka dots, or sing your own lyrics to a song... it's OK. Never be ashamed of being unique. Being creative IS something to be proud of. You don't have to paint a masterpiece, or write the next great American novel to be special. You already are. You are special because you make the world more colorful, fun, inspiring and exciting just by being in it. So rock your creative side. Share your talent with the universe and be proud of being different. Stand out from the crowd, because you are one of a kind and you are AWESOME!