Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Fever Has Hit...

Here in Michigan, we love to bitch about the weather. Too hot, too cold. Too wet, too dry. Etc, etc, etc. But that is the problem with living in a state with four seasons. You are bound to not like at least one of them. For me, that one is winter. I loathe it. If I could crawl into a hole and sleep through it, like a bear, I would. There is simply nothing about winter that I enjoy. Yeah, yeah, it can be pretty, sure. But after 30+ years, I am no longer in awe of the beauty. 
I don't participate in winter sports, nor do I have a desire to do so. Winter clothing makes me claustrophobic, there's just too many damn layers. Being cold makes me angry. Once I get too cold, it is near impossible to get warm again, and it brings out the worst in me. And above all else, it is just annoying. It makes simple things so much more work. Just running to get milk becomes a chore. Put on 10 lbs. of attire, shovel & salt a path to your car, scrape and defrost your car, slip and slide down the road (OK, maybe that part   IS fun...) and repeat. UGH! I'd rather pour water on my cereal and stay home. 
For the most part, I make it through November, December and January with minimal complaint. Come February though, I start getting antsy. By March, I reach full winter bitch mode and I am 200% over it. The endless cold and dreary grayness has created a monster. I get short fused, depressed and start going stir crazy. I NEED sunshine. I need fresh air and the smell of fresh cut grass. I start looking at my sundresses and sandals like a teenage boy looks at porn. With desire and anticipation. My freakishly white reflection in the mirror taunts me. I have full blown spring fever. 
It is a serious condition. If you are from Michigan, or another four seasons place, chances are you've had it. You start wanting to tear apart your home. Open windows, paint walls, buy new furniture, organize the attic & garage, etc. You want to get outside and wash your car, fire up the bbq, plant your garden and feel the grass between your toes. You want to toss all your coats, gloves, scarves and boots into a pile and light them on fire, whilst roasting marshmallows over their ashes. (What? Ok, maybe that last one is just me.) Either way, you get the point. Spring fever takes ahold of you and you just can't shake it. The only cure is blue skies and the feel of sunshine on your bare skin. And it can't happen soon enough. We know it is close. We can smell it in the air, hear it in the sounds of birdsong, see it in the buds on trees and feel it in our souls. But the days and weeks until it is truly here are the longest in eternity. Mother Nature loves to taunt us with a nice day or two to get our spirits up and then slam us with a reminder that it's still winter and that she hates us. Media is no help either. The ads for spring/summer clothing are everywhere, rubbing salt in the wound. There's no escaping it. We just have to ride it out. And bitch about it the entire time, of course. So for those of you stricken with spring fever, I feel your pain. I too, daydream of bare feet and cold drinks. But we must stick together and be patient. We know that Michigan winters are long and tedious. That is why our state is shaped like a mitten. To remind us of that. But spring WILL come. And it will be glorious. And when it does, look out... and have your sunglasses ready, for my glowing white skin should not be looked upon with unprotected eyes. 


  1. I don't know you personally but Jody thinks you are amazing! She is a pretty good judge of character so I believe her. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for allowing me to!

  2. Oh, thank you! That is very kind of you to say! And thank you for reading my posts. I appreciate it very much. Feel free to share my blog with others as well. The more the merrier! <3
