Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hair Woes...

I hate to be that person who puts way too much stock in their hair, but right now... I'm kinda that person.
I know it's just hair, and that it will grow back. I've experimented with my hair more times than I can count. I've had it long, short, medium. Straight bangs, angled bangs, big bangs, no bangs. I've had it every color of the rainbow at least once (with the exception of blond) and I've never suffered from any ill effects. So yes, I KNOW it's just hair. But right now, I'm debating going pixie, and suddenly it feels like a lot more than just hair....
Here's the thing... a woman's hair can be more than just hair. It can be a mask at times too. You can hide behind your hair literally and figuratively. The pixie cut is a style that requires confidence. And plenty of it. This is a trait that I fall short on. Cutting off that much of your hair leaves you face first to the world. You need to be pretty damn comfortable in that face. And to be 100% honest with you... I'm really not. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my face or anything. I don't run from mirrors in terror (that often) or frighten small children (usually) but I still struggle with loving it. It's mine, and I can appreciate some of my features, and I've learned to accept others, but I wouldn't say I'm confident about it.
Going pixie means no more ponytails on bad hair days, or days you're running behind. It means that people are probably going to mistake you for a boy at least once or twice. It means no more wearing your hair down to cover that volcanic zit on your cheek, or the weird sunburn line on your forehead. It means if you hate it, you're waiting a LONG time for it to grow out enough to change it.
But on the plus side, it means less styling time and fewer products, ideally. And I've always loved the pixie. It just screams retro/vintage, and we all know I LOVE me some retro. It's sassy and spunky, which is also fitting, and I love that you can add a headband, ribbon, scarf, or barrette, and instantly change your look. I love the contrast of the less feminine haircut with the more defined make-up. A strong brow, heavy liner, and a pop of lip color look amazing with the simplicity of a pixie cut.
I can honestly say that I've NEVER given a haircut or color this much thought. So why I'm getting myself all bent out of shape about this is utterly beyond me. Maybe I'm just feeling indecisive, or self conscious. Maybe I'm worried that the image I have in my head is not the one that will end up ON my head. Maybe I'm just being a giant baby, and I need to suck it up and decide already, because there are SO many more important things to spend my energy worrying about.
Whatever the reasons, I have until 6:30 today to figure them out. Wish me luck!

This is the cut I would love to have. It's cute, sassy, and looks so easy to do.

This is me, with a cut I've had in the past, and loved. It's really not that much longer than the other one, right?? (Yeah, that's what I'm telling myself.)


  1. I just cut off 6 inches. I almost freaked out. It's definitely a woman thing. It's your hair, but I think that it does take a lot of confidence to rock the pixie. Now with that being said, what the heck are you waiting for?

    1. I chopped it! LOL! Not quite pixie, but close. Not sure what I was all frazzled about. ;)
