Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day. A day to celebrate the men who nurture, support, love and value their children. For my husband, it's another reminder of what we no longer have. Of what we no longer are... parents. 
I know how I felt about Mother's Day, and I've been dreading watching him go through this. There is nothing I, or anyone, can say or do to make him feel better. There's no magic cure for the sadness and grief. 
But I wanted to do something, anything, to honor the amazing man and father he is. Father's Day was always a big day at our house. Zachary spent weeks, sometimes months, deciding on the perfect gift for his Dad. And he rarely managed to wait til Father's Day to give it to him. He would just get too excited. So today, I want to share Dan's story with you...

 Dan (my hubs) was only 17 when Zachary was born. Still in high school, and still a child himself. Not an ideal situation by any means. He went to school during the day, and worked at night, to provide a life for himself and his son. He made sacrifices that MANY in similar situations never make. And when Zachary's mother decided it was too much, and walked away (when Zach was only 9 months old) Dan took on the full parental load. He had help, of course, from his family, but the brunt of everything was always on him. And as with most things, Dan took it in stride. He did what needed to be done, and he made sure that his son ALWAYS had what he needed. I met Dan when Zach was 4 years old. I fell in love with both of them almost immediately. We were an instant family. But I was only 19 and Dan was just 22. We were substantially younger than most parents of children Zach's age. 

 But Dan worked harder and did more than most men twice his age. And he came home every night to his family. We ate dinner at the table together, and he helped with homework. He never once shirked his responsibilities, or made excuses. And the love he had for his son was evident in every choice he made. 

He taught Zach to ride a bike, came to every soccer and basketball game, encouraged and disciplined when needed and loved unconditionally. The bond that my husband and son shared was apparent to anyone who knew them. They had an amazing relationship that was only getting stronger. In many ways, they grew up together, and so they were much more than just father and son. They were buddies. Zach knew he could come to his Dad for anything. He knew that no matter what the circumstances, his Dad would ALWAYS be there. To fix his car, to offer advice, to share a laugh and everything in between. Dan wanted to give his son the world, and many times worked long hours, weekends and multiple jobs to make sure that Zach had anything he needed or wanted. And all of this while still being an amazing husband, son, brother and friend. Dan is incredible. He has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known. He's selfless, kind, loving, funny, strong and just plain incredible. 

 After Zach's accident, there was so much to do and so many important decisions to make. And all while grieving the loss of our son. As always, Dan's character shone brighter than ever. He stayed strong and did what needed to be done, and he did it with grace and compassion. I've always been so proud to be with him, and honored that he chose me to share his life, but never as much as I am these days. Each morning, when I watch him climb out of bed and start his day, I am reminded of his strength. Each night, when I lie down in his arms, I am reminded of his big heart. And each time someone shares a story about our son, and what an incredible person he was, I am reminded that he was just like his father. And tomorrow, when the world is celebrating fathers everywhere, I will be celebrating the most amazing father and man I've ever known. And I know that our son will be looking down on his Dad with pride and love. 
Happy Father's Day, Dan. May you always know how loved you are, and how lucky your son was to have you as his Dad. XOXO


  1. To An Awesome Dad,
    I am so honored to have met you both! To a great Dad!

    Happy Father's Day!



    1. Thank you! We both really enjoyed meeting you & hope to see you again! Big hugs!

  2. You will both always be a mother and father, unfortunately your son is not here with you. But you both had a son, that will never change. The light you brought into this world and the lives he touched, that will not be forgotten. Happy Father's Day. I wish I could of known your incredible son. But I am glad to have met his awesome parents. Even just once.

    1. Thank you so,so much, doll. You are too sweet. XOXO
