Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Ok people, I know I talk a lot of shit about sweat pants, yoga pants, and generally sloppy appearances. But (surprisingly) I am not trying to be mean or hurt people's feelings. The fact of the matter is... You shouldn't WANT to look like that. Regardless of what I think. I've heard every excuse in the book, and here's what it boils down to:
You should ALWAYS put your best foot forward. Period. It's not about impressing anyone else, it's about impressing yourself. When you look sloppy, you feel sloppy. And that is the attitude that you are presenting to the world. And the world will treat you only as well as you treat yourself. So if you go around looking a mess, they will assume you are a mess, and treat you accordingly. Putting on a little make-up, styling your hair, and putting 30 seconds of thought into what you put on your body isn't about being prissy, or high maintenance. It's about taking pride in your appearance, and the image and attitude that you project to the world. If you want to be taken seriously, than you need to look the part. I hear so many women complain about their bodies, their looks, and how people perceive and/or treat them. Many of these same women go around looking like they just stepped out of a dumpster. OF COURSE you are going to feel bad about yourself when you see that in the mirror! It is a proven fact that when you look good, you feel good. Even if it is just a mental illusion, we still FEEL better when we look our best. So why wouldn't you want to do that every day? Do we really need a special occasion to put on something nice, and take a little time with our appearance? Each time you walk out the door, you are making an impression on those around you. Does it matter what they think? In some ways, it does. What kind of example are you setting for your children? What kind of first impression are you making on those you meet? Here is a perfect example:
About a week ago, I was out running errands after work. I was dressed in one of my vintage inspired dresses, nothing fancy. I was stopped and complimented not once, but several times. Men, women, and even one adorable little girl, told me how nice I looked. I received countless smiles, and friendly conversation from many people. It was the nicest ego boost ever. And one I really needed. I came home with a smile, and a total mood change. Would that have happened if I had been out with dirty yoga pants and a grubby t-shirt? Somehow I doubt it. And the difference it made in my attitude was immense. My head was suddenly held higher, and my smile was genuine and long lasting. It was a chain reaction. The kindness I received made me feel better, and I put out a better, happier energy into the world around me, which I got back time and again in smiles and continued kindness.
The point is.... If you look better, you feel better. You have more confidence, and that leads to a change in how you view and participate in the world around you. You know when you watch makeover shows, and the people see themselves after for the first time? That moment of sheer joy, and amazement? That could be you everyday. It doesn't have to cost a lot, or anything at all, and it takes only a little extra time. It could be as simple as a haircut and a little lip gloss.
You know what I do when I wake up feeling cranky and depressed? I put on something extra cute and colorful. I spend a little more time on my hair and make-up, and I trick myself into feeling just that much better.
We are all going to have days where the idea of putting on pants or taking a shower is just out of the question. We're only human after all. But if that is the majority of your days... you may be causing the problem yourself, or at the very least not helping it. You can't control everything, but why not make the best of the things that you can?
First impressions are everything, and each day when you look into the mirror, you are making a first impression on yourself. Do you like what you see?

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