Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm a Fashion Disaster

Hello, my name is Teena, and I am a fashion disaster. Yup, I admit it. I know little to nothing about fashion and trends. Clothing brands and designer names may as well be hieroglyphics to me. I just don't get it. I love clothes and accessories as much as the next girl, but I've never understood buying something based on a name. I follow a strict 'never judge a dress by its label' rule. I shop by look and feel. Did it catch my eye? Does it feel good on? Do I look and feel good with it on? That's it. Those are my fashion rules. Trends have never factored in for me. 
 As a kid, I hated jeans. HATED them. I grew up in the 80's & 90's, so they were either too tight or too loose. And they felt like wearing potato sacks. It took me years to find brands and styles that felt comfortable to me. I never cared that "all the other kids were wearing them" or that I wasn't cool or in style. I only cared about comfort. 
Growing up, I rarely shopped at the stores my friends did. Partly because I couldn't afford to, but also because I didn't care for the styles. They just weren't me. I shopped at thrift stores WAY before Macklemore & Ryan Lewis made songs about it. I always liked the look of vintage clothing, plus everything was already soft and worn. And it was cheap! 
Now that I'm older, my styles might have changed, but I still shop the same way. I look for items that draw my eye and I only buy things that feel right on my skin. I still LOVE vintage, but I lean towards dresses and more feminine pieces than I did in my younger days. 
When I think of fashion, I think runways and magazine covers. I picture outfits that are more art than function and I just don't relate to that. I can appreciate it, sure. But I don't get it. My awesome and very dear friend, Vanessa, has a fashion blog, and I love it. I read it religiously. (Check it out here) She also loves vintage, and she can relate to my eclectic tastes, as well. She has a passion for fashion, that I certainly do not, but she has a sense of humor & whimsy that make it enjoyable to even disasters like myself. I need to bring her shopping with me. 
My closet is a hodge podge of random, unrelated items. Occasionally, I put things together that make it appear as if I know what I'm doing, but for the most part, I just dress according to my mood. In an average week, my style can go from cowgirl, to pin-up, to punk rocker. And then I'll have a whole month when I wear nothing but jeans and t-shirts. Like I said... fashion disaster. There is no rhyme or reason to my looks. I just wear what I like, and I like a lot of different things apparently. Very few of which are "on trend". But, I'm ok with that. I like my crazy style. It suits me. I will never grace the pages of Cosmo or have my own clothing line at Target. I will probably never recognize the names or faces of famous designers or own a pair of $1000 shoes. I am a fashion disaster... and I am just fine. 


  1. I'm right there with ya! And I am ridiculously excited to be able to start shopping for vintage clothes again (the past few years, size hasn't been on my side!). We should go together sometime!

    1. Hellz yes we should! Dan bought me a new sundress yesterday at Target. It's super cute & I can't wait to wear it. Now if the damn weather would just cooperate...
