Tuesday, July 16, 2013


With all the talk about the current trial results, (You know what I'm referring to, I don't need to name names.) I find myself saddened. 
I'm saddened that the word racism is being thrown around so carelessly. I for one, did not watch the trial. I tried a few times, but I just couldn't handle the media bias that went along with it. So I don't even begin to pretend I know all the facts involved. But what I do know is that the world is an ugly place sometimes. There are ignorant people out there, and they come in every shape, size and color. That is a fact. While we spend hours discussing race and hoodies, there are parents mourning the loss of their child. 
This isn't a black, white, brown, purple or green issue. This is an ignorance issue. No matter what color your skin, you should be saddened by this story. 
We live in a world where people are so quick to judge one another by what we wear, who we date, where we live, etc, that we forget that at the end of the day we are all human. We share this world. 
I would love to live in a world where people were judged solely by their actions and not by outward appearances, but I don't. I cannot control the attitudes and behaviors of others, but I can control my own. I choose to follow the Golden Rule. I will treat you with kindness and respect, so long as you do the same. Simple as that. And I try to surround myself with like minded people. I can't change the entire world, but I can change my own personal world. I can't make hatred and ignorance disappear, but I don't have to tolerate it in my life. We can choose to change ourselves, and teach our children to be better. We can let those around us know that we won't allow their negativity in our lives. And little by little, these actions might start to spread and impact those around us. That's how you change the world. You start with yourself. You can't change other people. But you can give them an example, and hope that by seeing what kindness and goodness can do, they too, will want to change. 
I've seen evil in this world, but I've also seen good. I've seen hatred, and I've seen love. Yes, there is ignorance out there, but there is also tolerance. Choose your battles and your words carefully, for there will always be war, but there can also be peace...

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