Thursday, December 19, 2013

Freedom of Speech

I do my best not to get too wrapped up in popular drama, and internet frenzies. But sometimes, I get a little fired up, and feel compelled to offer up my two cents. Today is one of those days...
So far today, I have read COUNTLESS posts and tirades about the fiasco going on with a certain reality TV star. To sum up what happened, this person shared his controversial views and opinions in an interview, and not everyone agreed with what he had to say. People reacted, as they often will, and now the network that supports his show has "grounded" him.
One side is angry at what he said, and the other side is angry that he was punished for saying it. While I have my own opinions on the subject, that is not what this post is about. What this post is about is a phrase I keep seeing thrown around, quite casually. Freedom of Speech. Now this is quite simple. In the good old U S of A, you have the freedom to say whatever the Hell you want. Yup, that's right. So if you want to run outside yelling "I like to eat baby chickens in the nude, while watching Jerry Springer!!" you can. This also means your neighbor has the right to open his door and yell "No one cares, so shut the f*ck up!" right back.
Ahhh... Freedom. It's a lovely thing. But there's just one eensy weensy little catch. HAVING the Freedom of Speech should not always equal EXERCISING it. Now before you get all butt hurt, let me explain.
I have the right to do a lot of things. But that doesn't mean I HAVE to do them. I have the right to bear arms, but I don't really see the need for bear arms. My arms are fuzzy enough. (What? Is that not right?) Anyway, the point is, that while someone has the right to say whatever the heck they want, that doesn't mean they should. Now I'm not saying you should never speak up, or share your opinions (Umm... hello, I have a freaking blog. I obviously like to share my opinions.) but it does mean you should be conscientious about what you say, how you say it, where you say it, and to whom you say it. Why? Because as the old saying goes, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one."
This goes double (maybe even triple) for people in certain positions. If you are a well known individual, with a lot of public exposure, you KNOW that anything you say will not only be heard, but analyzed, amplified, and repeated. Is this fair? Eh... that's debatable. But it is fact. So if you choose to share your opinions, especially controversial ones, you can be certain that you will suffer some backlash. Sure, some may agree with you, but others wont. If you are ok with that, and feel it is still worth saying... by all means, have at it. But you better be damn well willing to accept the consequences. Because Freedom of Speech does not equal freedom from judgment, freedom from anger, or freedom from hurt. You know how police say "Anything you say, can and will be used against you."? The same often applies here. So think before you speak.
I wholeheartedly believe in the Freedom of Speech. I believe that everyone has a right to believe whatever they want, and share those beliefs. That doesn't mean I have to agree with them, or listen to them. Because that freedom works both ways. But maybe we need to rephrase it. I think 'Freedom of Speech With a Giant Dose of Common Sense' has a nice ring to it...

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