Monday, June 16, 2014

Embrace Your Inner Bitch

Bitch. By definition, it means a female dog. But over the years, it has evolved into an insult to women. At least it's supposed to be. But personally, I don't think it is. I get called a bitch often. In high school, it became such a joke, my friends bought me jewelry with the word on it. And I wore it proudly, I might add.
I'm not ashamed to be a bitch. It is a part of my personality that I have accepted and am perfectly ok with. And to be honest, I think more women should not only accept their bitchiness, but embrace it.
Let me elaborate....
You know when I get called a bitch the most often? When I am being honest. That's right, if you say it like it is, and don't sugar coat things, people call you a bitch. Because apparently, women are only supposed to say sweet, nice, non controversial things. Well fuck that. I may be a lady, but I am not a Stepford wife. I have opinions and feelings, and on occasion, I may wish to share them. You don't have to agree, or like it. That's up to you. But my choice to speak up is my own.
You know when else I get called a bitch? When I'm being sarcastic. Because once again, it's not "acceptable" for a female to joke around, and be sassy without being considered a bitch. Well that's a damn shame. Because I have a very snarky sense of humor, and just because some people are overly sensitive, or lacking in personality, I'm not going to feel bad.
I also get called a bitch for saying no. I guess women are always just supposed to smile and agree with everything. Well not in my world. I love the word NO. I use it often. And the worst part... I don't even feel guilty about it. Nope, not even a little. Agreeing with everything doesn't make you "nice", it makes you a doormat. You can be a good person, and say no from time to time. And you don't even need a reason. Sometimes we just want to say no, and that's perfectly ok.
I'm also a bitch for knowing my limits. For knowing when to say when, when to walk away, when to forgive, and when not to. Sometimes in life, we have to put ourselves first. And if that makes you a bitch, oh well. The reality is, you can't and won't please everyone. No matter how hard you try. You will merely succeed in destroying your own peace of mind in the process. Give yourself value. Be a bitch. You deserve it.
Oh, and let's not forget about how bitchy it is to be assertive. If a woman takes the lead, and is good at it, she's a bossy bitch. If a man does it, he's a leader. Here's the truth: some people are just better at some things. Period. There's no shame in that. Everyone has their skills, and if yours is taking control, and getting the job done, you own that shit. When things get done well and go smoothly, you can thank your inner bitch.
Women are called bitches for so many things, and the majority of them are things that they should be proud of. Being strong, independent, mature, honest, funny, determined, and REAL shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of.

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