Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Readers Requests Day 3: What grinds my gears

Today's topic comes from one of my lovely young readers, Miss Ashlyn. She (like myself) is a big fan of the show 'Family Guy', so she suggested I do a Peter Griffin inspired "What Grinds My Gears" post. While I've done similar ones in the past, I can always think of more things that fire me up. So here are 25 things that Grind My Gears...

1. Ignorance. (This includes all forms of prejudice, racism, bias, unwarranted hate, etc.)
2. People who drive like idiots.
3. Bad tippers.
4. Basic grammar & spelling mistakes. (I mean come on... Did you fail 3rd grade?)
5. People who say Valentime's Day, pacific instead of specific, birfday, axe instead of ask, libarry, and so on. Speak English, not idiot.
6. People who use religion as an excuse for being closed-minded and judgmental.
7. Winter. (It's just too long, cold, grey, and miserable.)
8. Pants. (I CAN wear them, but I'd much rather be sans pantaloons.)
9. Imaginary paper jams. (To quote 'Office Space'... "THERE IS NO PAPER JAM!!")
10. People who wallow in self pity. (Let's make something clear, you aren't the only one with problems, so quit bitching, grow a pair, and freaking smile.)
11. Drama Queens. (It's called perspective, people. Get some.)
12. People who talk shit about the military. (I don't care what your political views/opinions are, those men & women are risking their lives to fight for YOUR freedom, and you damn well better appreciate it.)
13. Restroom stall doors that open in and not out. (Like this toilet box isn't small enough, now I practically have to step into the can just to open the door and escape.)
14. Overly nonchalant parents. (Listen, lady. I don't know what kind of happy pills you ingested, but your devil spawn is terrorizing the entire restaurant, so get the little shit under control.)
15. Things that twist to open the wrong way. (I'm talking to you Bath & Body Works wall air freshener plug-in refills. It's righty tighty, lefty loosey. Everyone knows that!)
16. The "I read it on the interwebs, so it must be true" types. (You know the ones. Too much time on their hands, and way too naïve. Keep Google-ing, and you can find an argument for anything, people. Get a clue.)
17. Animals in purses. (If you feel compelled to dress up your animal and carry it around with you at all times, I have concerns about your mental stability. It's a dog, not a doll. Also... it has 4 legs, let it use them from time to time.)
18. Fake Sharpies. (If I ask for a Sharpie, and you hand me an Office Depot Permanent Marker, I will stab you with it. THAT IS NOT A SHARPIE!)

19. Taylor Swift. (I just don't get the appeal. She's like Toddlers and Tiaras meets a 5th grade girl's diary. I'd rather hump a donkey.)
20. Raisins in cookies. (If you are going to put wrinkled up old fruit in a cookie, it should come with a clearly marked sign that says "These are NOT chocolate chips.")
21. Reality TV. (On what planet is this a reality? If you still believe that these shows are real, it's time to step out of your cave and get a life. And also... I've got a bridge to sell you.)
22. Duck face. (Ladies, ladies, ladies... there is nothing attractive about this look. NOTHING. Let's just try smiling, and see how that goes.)
23. Selfies in dirty rooms. (Listen... if you insist on posing in your bathroom and bedroom, at least make your bed, and move away from the toilet. And maybe run a vacuum...)
24. The hipster coffee pics. (OMG YOU GOT A DRINK AT STARBUCKS??? You are obviously the only person in the history of the universe to do that, you should really share it with the world. --Said no one EVER. Here's a tip: Unless an image of the Virgin Mary or Jesus showed up in your latte foam, no one cares.)
25. This.
(Ummm... car mods are great, but you don't have to do ALL of them. Maybe no one told you that. Let's tone it down a notch, shall we?)

Well folks, that's it. Twenty five things that Grind My Gears. I could go on and on with this topic, but just like with car mods and selfies.... Moderation is key.

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