Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning to sew.

For Christmas, my Mother-in-Law bought me a sewing machine. I was so excited and surprised and couldn't wait to try it out. Well, as soon as the holiday madness settled down, I made a quick trip to the craft store for supplies and got down to it.
It has been many years since I used a sewing machine. (Like, since middle school home ec class as a matter of fact.) So, needless to say, it's taking some practice to get back into the swing of things. But, I am making progress, though I don't see any ball gowns or fancy stuff in my near future. :)
My first project was this baby blanket. I found some cute fleece remnants at the craft store & figured I'd give it a go. Lesson 1: Fleece is evil. After cutting it (several times) and never having the 2 pieces match up, I just pinned it anyway. Then I proceeded to sew it. Lesson 2: Fleece is the Devil. Not only is fleece very soft, but it's very stretchy. It catches on the machine and moves all over. Lesson 3: Next time I want a fleece blanket, use the no sew tie method. But, it's finished and although it's far from perfect, it's a blanket, so I count it as a success. The next one will be flannel & cotton though...
My second project were these 4 mini princess pillows. I have had this princess fabric for years and had no real use for it. After my Mother-in-Law sent me a bag of fabric scraps/remnants, which included the pretty butterfly one, I decided to make these little pillows for my nieces dolls. I mainly just wanted to practice using the machine, but these were fun and a great form of practice. (The flipped pillow is Snow White by the way.) The fabric had all the princesses in little squares, so I just cut one of each out and matched them up with some of the butterfly material, sewed, stuffed and viola! Adorable little pillows that are perfect for a little doll bed. Project 2 was a success. :)
I'm not sure what my next project will be, but I feel slightly more confident in my abilities, so hopefully something cool. I will keep you posted...

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