Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Simply Elegant Valentine's Wreath

If you're like me, then you probably have a wreath (or some form of decor) to hang on your front door for every single holiday. As I was digging through my seasonal decor, I realized I did not have one for Valentine's Day. I had forgotten that my previous one fell victim to high winds & rain last year and sadly, could not be saved.
The silver lining? I got to make a new one! (Insert choir of angels here) But alas, since I am currently unemployed and on a fixed budget, I decided to try to make one using only supplies found at my local Dollar Store. I wanted a very simple, yet elegant wreath and limited myself to a $5 budget for this project. Did I succeed? You tell me.
I am very pleased with the final result. My total cost for this project was $4 ($1 under budget) and it took me about 15 minutes to make.
1 wooden wreath (I used a medium size but you can choose what works for your space.)
1 spool of hot pink ribbon (Prefer red or light pink? Knock your socks off!)
1 pack of styrofoam heart picks (I chose these because they are lightweight, but any hearts will do.)
1 bunch of red silk daisies
Hot glue gun & glue

Start by cutting the wooden picks off the ends of the hearts, if you purchased this style. Then cut the stems off of your silk flowers, leaving just the flower.
Glue one end of the ribbon to the wreath & let dry. Once glue is dry, wrap ribbon around the wreath. You can cover the entire thing or just use as an accent. Once it is wrapped, glue the other end & allow to dry. Using the remainder of the ribbon, cut into 3-4 equal lengths, stack them atop one another and make a good sized bow. Fluff the loops, angle cut the ends to the length you want and glue the bow to the top of your wreath.
Select your prettiest flower and glue it into the center of your bow. Then glue one of your hearts into the center of the flower. This is the focal point of your wreath. You may want to do it along the side or bottom, there is no wrong way to make this.
Once the glue is dry, decide where you want to place the rest of your hearts (and/or flowers if you wish) and glue them in place as well.
Once all the glue has hardened, take another piece of ribbon, yarn, string, etc. and tie it onto the top. This will be your loop with which to hang it from. That's it, you're done! Now hang it on your door and impress all your neighbors and friends with your creativity! XOXO

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