Thursday, April 17, 2014

Teena Time (If I Had My Own TV Show)

I'm not a big fan of television. There are some shows I enjoy, but as a whole, I mostly find TV to be stupid. Myself, on the other hand, I find to be ridiculously entertaining. The only logical conclusion is that I should have my own show. I know, I know... you were all thinking it, right?
But let's just say I had my own show. What would it be about? Well... I've spent some time thinking about this, and I've decided that my show would be a combination of randomness. Here is what I would do:

*I would do interviews with real people, who have real stories to share. Everyone has a story, whether they realize it or not. Experiences that are unique to them, adventures, joys, tragedies, and triumphs.
*I would have only the coolest celebrities on, and we would do funny skits, make crafts, and play with toys.
*I would do Themed Thursdays, and everyone would have to dress up in costumes for whatever theme I should choose. And all the segments for that day would also fit into that theme.
*Hank the Gnome would be my co-host/sidekick. His comedic timing is impeccable after all.
*I would do Red Carpet interviews at all the awards shows, but not with the celebrities. I would only speak to the stars assistants, and entourages. I bet you'd get some hilarious stories.
*I would do celebrity Makeover Mondays, and recreate the best looks from various eras. Jennifer Lawrence goes super 80s! I mean c'mon!
*We would randomly break out into song and dance, for no reason at all, because life clearly needs more of that.
*I would do Tribute Tuesdays, and honor someone who has passed on, by doing something with, or for their loved ones, that they had wanted to do.

*I would shamelessly plug books of all kinds, and read excerpts from them to entice people into reading more.
*I would discuss real life issues, topics, and concerns. Not just trends and bullshit.

These are just some of the things I would do if I had my own show. It would be as random and ridiculous as I am. We'd laugh and cry together, it would be serious AND silly, and you'd all love it. But sadly... It will probably never happen. And you'll all be stuck watching terrible television forever. Guess it's a good thing I have this blog for you to read, huh?

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