Friday, November 21, 2014

The Great Pot Debate

This is a subject that I have tried to stay out of for the most part. But with all the media attention lately, I feel compelled to share my personal views on the matter. 
The legalization of marijuana seems to be a very touchy subject for many. And most people fall very clearly to one side of the debate or the other, and don't seem open to changing their minds on the matter anytime soon. And while I think it is absolutely insane that pot is still illegal, that's not what this post is going to focus on. Instead I want to try and move past the stigmas associated with people who use marijuana. 
I know many people who either smoke or imbibe weed in some form or another, and contrary to stereotypes, these folks are nothing like Cheech and Chong. These are normal everyday people. They have jobs, raise families, drive nice cars, live in clean homes, are educated and intelligent individuals. Do I also know some stereotypical stoners? Yes. But they are by far the minority. Most people that use marijuana are no different than anyone else. Many of them are good Christians even. (Shock and awe!!) 
Pot is first and foremost a plant. It grows naturally and has many wonderful uses, aside from the bud itself. Hemp is an amazing material and can be used for everything from clothing and textiles, to fuel, biodegradable plastics, health foods and so much more. But the benefits of marijuana go so far beyond those things. Scientists and doctors have long understood the amazing things that pot is capable of. The healing abilities for wide ranges of medical issues is something we have barely even begun to tap into. 
Some of the most common uses are for things like nausea, vomiting, anorexia, movement disorders, epilepsy, glaucoma, pain reduction, asthma, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders, and many many more. 
But because of legal issues, and the stigma involved, many people are hesitant or altogether against trying it. This is a shame to me. Pot is as organic a medicine as you could ever find, yet people would still rather fill their bodies with harsh chemicals and legal poisons than risk the side eye and judgment that comes with being a marijuana user. 
This needs to stop. People who use marijuana, whether for medical reasons or recreationally, are not drug addicts and dangerous criminals. 
Why are we so quick to judge someone who comes home from work and hits a joint in order to de-stress and relax? How are they any different from someone who comes home to a glass or two of wine? Why is it perfectly acceptable to pop a heavy duty pain killer for a head or backache, but frowned upon to turn to a plant? People who go out on the weekends and get drunk are just having a good time, but hit a bong once or twice and you're suddenly a bad person. I truly don't understand it. It has been proven time and again that alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana, yet because it is legal, people think it is better. We have created a society that shames people who smoke weed, but very nearly encourages alcohol abuse. Call me crazy, but I will take a "stoner" over a drunk any day of the week. 
Marijuana relaxes your muscles, calms and quiets your mind, and can help you sleep just as well, if not better than alcohol. But you don't lose control of yourself (or your bodily functions) and there's no ugly hangover. 
To quote Peter Griffin "WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS!?" 
It's time we stop categorizing marijuana the same way we do cocaine, meth, and heroine. And we have to stop thinking that everyone who uses pot is somehow a criminal or a bad person. I bet if people were truly honest about it, you would be shocked by how many people you probably know who regularly smoke it. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, ministers, artists, musicians, scientists, etc. Your neighbors, fellow church members, and friends. It is not the evil monster that society has tried to make it. And the sooner we change that attitude, the better off we will be. Everyday, studies are being done that find more and more benefits of marijuana. Hidden inside that plant could be cures for deadly diseases, and countless ways to increase quality of life for so many. Don't we want that for ourselves? I sure do...
I encourage everyone to educate themselves on the realities of marijuana. Know what it is, how it effects the mind and body, and don't just blindly follow along with the ignorance. Pot isn't the boogeyman in your closet, or the elephant in the room. It's time we start talking openly and honestly about it, and treat it for what it is. An amazingly versatile and useful plant. Period.

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