Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why I'm Never Going to be One of the Guys

I hate the word tomboy. I've always hated it. Growing up with four older brothers, I spent a great deal of time playing with the boys. Decked out in camouflage in the woods, playing sports, and getting dirty. It wasn't that I wanted to BE a boy. It's just what I knew. And I enjoyed it. 
But I also enjoyed playing with makeup, wearing glittery nail polish, and playing dress up. I was happy to be a girl. Even when I was out riding bikes, building forts, and catching frogs. I wasn't trying to be one of the guys. I was just being myself. 
Not much has changed over the years. I still spend the vast majority of my time with mostly men. And I still don't wish I had a penis. 
I also don't consider myself "one of the guys" and I never will. I'm not a guy. I don't want to be a guy. When I hear chicks say "I'm just one of the guys!" I want to scream. No you're not. You're a girl who happens to participate in male dominated activities. 
And you know what? That's ok! You can still be a girl, and enjoy being a girl. I can promise you that my lipgloss and nail polish has not made a lick of difference in how much I enjoy car racing. The fact that I own more skirts and dresses than jeans and cargo pants has not, in any way, impacted my ability to build a fire, pitch a tent, or throw a football. 
Would I rather watch an action film or a porn over a chick flick? GOD YES! But that doesn't make me a dude. 
I don't like it when women think they have to sacrifice their femininity in order to fit in with men. 
I can cuss like a sailor, but I also know how to be a lady. I can bullshit and joke around without being offended, but that doesn't mean I have to fart and burp and discuss my bowel movements in a group setting, either. 
There's a fine line between fitting in with men, and trying to BE one. I can fit in just fine, but I also have no problem having a door held for me, or asking for help lifting something heavy. 
I love being a woman. I love that I can wear pretty things, and be nurturing. I love that I can help my husband out in the garage, and I also love when he hugs me and tells me that I smell wonderful. 
I don't mind getting dirty or breaking a nail. But you bet your ass that I'm going to wash up, and file that nail later. 
Telling a girl who happens to enjoy a "boy" activity that she's a tomboy is essentially telling her she has to choose between being a boy or a girl. 
We think it's cute to say that, but it's not. Why isn't calling a girl a "tomboy" just as offensive as calling a boy a "little bitch"? Because it's basically the same thing. Why does it matter if a girl likes to play baseball, football, race cars, shoot guns, or anything else? 
Those things don't suddenly make her vagina fall off. She's still a girl. And she should be proud to be one. Women are amazing. Some of the strongest, smartest, funniest, kindest, most incredible people I know are women. 
There's nothing wrong with being a female who also enjoys male oriented activities. But unless you're using the urinal next to those men... I'm sorry, but you're not one of the guys.
So stop trying so hard to be something you're not. Be proud of who and what you are, and just be yourself. 

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