Friday, February 22, 2013

Facebook Pros and Cons...

I want to do a little venting today, so please bear with me. 
I love facebook, I truly do. I have made amazing connections with people I would otherwise never have met, stayed connected to family that I don't have the luxury of seeing often and reconnected with old friends. I get to see photos of loved ones, learn new and interesting things, laugh at funny posts and kill time on a slow day. These are the perks. 
Now let me tell you what I loathe about facebook. 
*I hate when people feel the need to bombard their friends newsfeeds with overly opinionated posts. We get it, you like your guns and hate the president. Or you think everyone should eat organic, save the trees and breastfeed. Whatever your beliefs, is it REALLY necessary to share every single post and photo about it? I don't mind the occasional rant, hell, we all do it now and then. But the ones who do it constantly, non stop, all day, and then get mad when someone disagrees with them, really irritate me. Wake up, folks! You aren't the only one entitled to an opinion, so if you aren't big enough to respect someone else's, then keep yours to yourself. 
*I hate when people share every single picture/quote that they like. It's bad enough that facebook shows us what all of our friends like, but then you feel the need to share each one, it gets out of hand. Do you really believe that by sharing or liking something, you won't go to Hell, a puppy won't die and you'll win a million dollars? If you do, we need to have a little chat... 
*I hate the "begging for attention" posts. If you post open ended or non descriptive, generic statuses about being sad, lonely, fat, ugly, etc. you are clearly trying to get people to ask you what's wrong, or tell you how great you are. Save us the eye roll, and just say what's on your mind. Stop fishing for comments. While I'm on the subject, is it honestly necessary to post thousands of pics of yourself alone in your car or in your bathroom? You look exactly the same as you did yesterday. And if you are going to insist on doing it, maybe take a minute and put the lid down on the toilet or make your bed. 
*I hate the rotating relationship statuses. Maybe try dating for more than 15 minutes before deciding you are "in a relationship". And posting endless cheesy crap on each other's timelines for EVERYONE to see does not make us think you are the perfect couple. It makes us gag. If you love each other so much; call, text or private message it. Or better yet, get off facebook and go say it to their face. And if you are single, PLEASE stop complaining about it every single day. Just a hint, you look desperate, needy and pathetic. So unless you wish to remain eternally alone, maybe tone it down a notch. Let them figure out how crazy you are AFTER they date you...
*I hate the constant game requests. Let me clear something up for you, I am fully aware that those games exist. IF I wanted to play them, I would. I have refused every request you've ever sent me, so take the damn hint and knock it off. Or don't be surprised when I unfriend you. 
*I hate the drama llamas. (A term coined by my friend, Nicole F. *trademark pending*) If you don't want the whole world involved in your business, then stop posting it. It's ok to share, but some things can be kept private as well. I don't want or need to know every detail about your baby daddy/mama, your ex, your boss or anyone else. It's a public forum. If you think it isn't going to get back to that person, you are wrong. 
Now these are just some things that annoy me personally. You probably have your own lists. And before you go commenting, I am fully aware that from time to time, I may fall into one of these categories. We all do. If you think you don't, just ask me, I'll be happy to let you know. But I'm addressing the folks that do these things ALL THE TIME. Not once in awhile, but daily or hourly. If you aren't sure if this is you, take a second, go to your timeline and take a scroll....

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